Scout Troop 561 logo

Lexington Park Rotary Club Proudly Sponsors Troop 561

Troop 561 At a Glance

Rev. 02/22/2024

Troop Information


Chris Szymendera, 301-481-1394, [email protected]

Committee Chair

Nick Creswell, 301-247-2966, [email protected]

Charter Org. Rep.

Greg Reuss, 301 247-9089, [email protected]


National Capital Area Council (NCAC)

Serves Washington, DC, Maryland, Virginia and the US Virgin Islands


Western Shore District (WSD)

Charter Organization

Lexington Park Rotary Club


·         Troop Website:  

·         Troop Scoutbook: Events/Advancements & Calendar reminders Emails from Scoutmaster, SPL and event coordinators

Meeting Location

·        St. Mary's County Elks Lodge #2092, 45779 Fire Dept Lane, California, MD 20619 off Chancellor’s Run Road.

Meeting Types/Details


·         Full troop meeting on 2nd, 3rd and 4th Thursday, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. (Green Bar arrive at 6:30 p.m.)

·         Patrol Leadership Meeting on 1st Thursday, 6:30 – 8:30 PM

·         Troop Committee Meeting on 2nd Thursday, during regular troop meeting

·         Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of Review are scheduled as needed with individual Scouts for rank advancement.

Troop 561 Program

Our troop provides a year-round calendar of balanced activities, including outdoor adventure, life skills and community service. We also typically plan two different week-long summer camps and other high adventure opportunities such as Sea Base, Philmont and Northern Tier.  Adult involvement is key to our successful program.

Organizational Roles

Scout Led, Adult Fed


We always need volunteers – be sure to fill out the Troop Resource Survey when you register.

In accordance with BSA Guidelines, Troop 561 is Scout led, with mentoring and guidance from volunteer adult leadership. The Senior Patrol Leader runs meetings and Youth Scout Leaders plan the program and activities. Adults serve as advisors and merit badge counselors.


•         Adult Leadership: Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee Chair, and Committee Members.


•         Scout Leadership: Troop 561 is led by a Senior Patrol Leader (SPL). The SPL is elected by the Scouts and appoints Assistant Senior Patrol Leader(s) (ASPL).


•         Scouts are grouped into Patrols. The troop elects Patrol Leaders (PL) and each PL appoints an Assistant Patrol Leader (APL).


·         Other Positions of Responsibility within the troop: Scribe, Librarian, Historian, Quartermaster, Guide, Instructor, Chaplain Aid, Den Chief, Bugler.

Requirements to Join

Troop 561








The Scout has reached 11 years, completed 5th grade, or has completed 2nd Year Webelos. We require the following:


•         BSA Medical Form Parts A and B are required to participate in troop meetings and short trips. Part C is completed by a physician for events longer than 48 hours, such as summer camps.

•         Uniform and basic equipment.

•         Regular attendances at all scout activities including weekly meetings.

•         Behavior in accordance with the principles of the Scout Oath and Law.

•         Participation in at least one fundraiser per year.


The troop provides: neckerchief; patrol, position and rank patches; merit badges. Scout is responsible for other uniform items. Contact the Troop Committee Chair if you need help supplying the required uniform – the troop has a recycled uniform box.


Dress/Class A uniform (September – May and traveling for events):

o   Official BSA shirt with appropriate markings and patches: American flag, NCAC patch, Troop 561 numerals, Patrol patch, current rank and position.

o   BSA or troop neckerchief and slide.

o   Pants (long or short): BSA pants, dark color slacks or blue jeans which are hemmed, solid color, clean and neat.

o   No open-toed shoes (no sandals).


Casual/Class B uniform (June – August and while at events)

o   Shirt (T-shirt or sweatshirt) which is troop, council, summer camp or official BSA.

o   Shorts or swimsuit.


Purchase uniforms

o   Online:

o   Waldorf – Beacon Surplus Scouting Supplies, 3256 Leonardtown Road

o   National Capital Scout Shop; 9190 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD

Scout Equipment Needs


o   Scout handbook, paper, pen. (Books can be purchased from troop)

o   Merit badge pamphlets (if not in Troop library)



o   Each Scout provides backpack/daypack, tent, sleeping bag and pad, mess kit, water bottles/canteen, etc. along with other personal gear (clothing, toiletries, first aid kit, raingear, etc.).

o   The troop provides cooking equipment, tools, tarps, etc.


•         Scouts and participating adults pay an annual fee to maintain membership. The total fee is comprised of the following:

o   Troop 561 Dues (Scouts):           $52.00

o   BSA Registration (Scouts):          $80.00 

o   Scout Life Magazine (Scouts):      $12.00 (optional)

o   BSA Registration (Adults):           $80.00

o   BSA Insurance (Scouts & Adults): $2.00

o   Total Scout = $134.00 + $12.00 (Scout Life)

o   Total Adult = $82.00

•         Troop dues cover rank advancements, merit badges and other costs associated in providing and maintaining materials and equipment.

•         Each Scout has an individual Scout Account with the troop where fundraising earnings are kept for Scout use to pay for Scout-related expenses.

•         Fees for activities are “pay-as-you-go,” to include registration, food, gas.


Scouts are encouraged to participate in at least one fundraiser per year to help the troop purchase equipment and to increase the Scout’s personal account.

These could include:

·         Popcorn – Fall

·         Mickman Holiday Wreaths – Fall


Club Meetings & Events (see Calendar Tab for Training & District Events)
Membership Dues
Pay your annual Membership Dues online ($218.11 including processing fee)
Pay Dues by Check: Print Form: 2024-2025 Member Renewal Invoice Annual Club Membership payments are due before June 30th each year. Membership dues via check are $210/year. Make checks payable to "Rotary Club of Lexington Park". Mail to Rotary Club of Lexington Park, P.O. Box 202, Lexington Park, MD 20653. For alternate delivery options, contact [email protected].
Donate via Mail
Donate Online