2022 Golf Tournament Highlights

Hats off to Al Gardiner, who skillfully led the enjoyable 24th Annual Rotary Club of Lexington Park Golf Tournament to a successful conclusion. Team Demmick won the first team award (lower right). Al was assisted by Rotarians Jerry Bruce, Rose Frederick, Maria Icaza, Walt Gardiner, George Hurlburt, Bob Merritts, Tari Moore, Trish Parkinson, Bob Parkinson, Jane Sypher, Elise Weston, and Rotarian to be Lori Wentworth.

With Special Thanks

to our 2022 Sponsors:







Walter and Julie






Larry Brown

Former MVP 





  Rose Frederick




Hole Sponsors

Fitzgerald and Company

Franzen Reality

Robert Goldsmith

Guy Financial

Tom Hodges Mitsubishi

George and Mary Joy Hurlburt

 Robert Mattingly

Robert Merritts

Bob and Trish Parkinson

Mel and Tricia Powell

J. F. Taylor

Ye Olde Towne Cafe - Leonardtown

Towne Dentistry



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Membership Dues
Pay your annual Membership Dues online ($218.11 including processing fee)
Pay Dues by Check: Print Form: 2024-2025 Member Renewal Invoice Annual Club Membership payments are due before June 30th each year. Membership dues via check are $210/year. Make checks payable to "Rotary Club of Lexington Park". Mail to Rotary Club of Lexington Park, P.O. Box 202, Lexington Park, MD 20653. For alternate delivery options, contact [email protected].
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